Quick hello

Just a quick HI before I go and pick up the eldest girl from school :). Well poor old Tasha had a middle and outer ear infection and now that we are all dosed up with antibiotics, drops, Nurofen & Claranaise (sp) syryp all is now well on the home front - LOL. That girl MUST go back to school tomorrow as she is going stir-crazy at home and she really is well enough to do so - but she is a bit deaf in her sore ear so I kept her home for another (and the last!) day.

On the scrapping front - I thouhgt that I had best give my creative juices a work out because the Stand Up and Scrap Contest starts tomorrow and I didn't want to be stale. So I tried my hand at the LO you can see below. It is a bit busier than I am usually inclined to do but, what the heck, live a little I say!

Credits here

Well I had best get on my way because it is nearly that time - take care my family & friends - ta ta :)


Carol said…
I think it's fabulous. Love the stamped heading too. Hope the ear infection clears up, there's nothing worse, poor chicken.

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