Ups and then downs
It's funny isn't it? Life is like that? First ups then downs and then ups again, a great big roller coaster ride. Scrapping is like that too. Natalie has decided to retire - it is something she really needs to do and I wish her the very best of luck as she steps back to spend more time with her gorgeous boys. At the moment she is having an outrageous sale at both PBP and CLD so if you have ever hankered for some Natalie Bird designs now is the hour before they are gone for good. Since deciding to retire Natalie has been creating some truly wonderful pages, as if her joy in the art form has come back and I am so very happy for her. And don't for any moment think that this is the end of Ms Natalie! Oh no, one day she will be back and I will be there stalking....... err........ supporting her again LOL! Oh and now that she isn't designing any more Natalie has a great new blog too and if you pop over you MIGHT find a great freebie LOL Needless to say this left a hole in m...