Help! I've been tagged!
The delightful Carol (who adores memes!) tagged me the other day and while I am really bad at playing these things I like Carol soooooooo hahahah! So just for you Carol here we go ....... What food do you consider the best "date" food? In other words what meal or food item do you think is sexiest to eat in the company of someone you would like to look sexy around? Never one to contradict my friends but – Carol! NOT Calamari! Have you ever had a chewy piece stuck between your teeth? Or had that uber-rubbery piece that snaps and then ricochets across the table at your date? The perfect date food has to be chocolate mousse! Rich and creamy and decadent! What well-known person would you like to share a meal with—with or without clothing. (saying whether or not clothes are involved is optional). Ummmm this is a no-brainer! Orlando Bloom – sigh! I wonder if he would wear his elf ears for me and not much else ???? hahahahahaha What does your perfect breakfast-in-bed look like? (Fo...