Time just flies when you are having fun - I think!

Well the dust is starting to settle after I handed in my resignation and I have to say, I'm feeling HEAPS better about doing it! I felt a bit freaked out at first but I'm OK now - LOL! I was so freaked out that I forgot to mention that it was a special day for us on the 11th August. It was our seventeenth wedding anniversary and hubby & I went out for dinner and saw the new Harry Potter movie! It was really lovely just to have some adult time, just the two of us :)

Here is how we looked this time 17 years ago - we were SO cute!

I'm so lucky to be married to my best friend.

On the ADSR front - I love what Deb did to my Challenge #7 LO! The rubber bands are fantastic :) - have a look!

Credits are here.

Well not much more to add - all is going along swimmingly here and no other news to report. I hope that this finds you, my family and friends, all happy and well. Ta ta


Carol said…
Ooooh happy anniversary to you. What a great photo. And yes, the rubber bands rock.
Gabi Butcher said…
Happy belated Anniversary!!!
Loved the songs here too! I so LOVE Coldplay!

Gabi Butcher

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