Project 365 - Feb 9 to Feb 15

Ummmmmm Better late than never I always say LOL. Now I have been taking photos each day, I just haven't got my butt in gear to post them here LOL. My only excuse is ....actually I don't have one, I'm just too tired in the evening to sit down and post rofl! So before I feel sleepy again I'll post quickly LOL

Day 40
There couldn't be anything else today, the news from the Victorian bushfires just gets worse and worse. I don't get the paper but I wanted to preseve the memory some how and I snapped a shot of the morning news program on TV. I am going to be giving a donation to the Red Cross Victoria Bushfire Appeal and I encourage every one to consider making a donation as well. It's such a tragic day and I just need to do something to help.

Day 41
This lovely spotty crouton is just leaping up to the sky at the moment after some rain and some fertilizer! It was so small not that long ago.

Day 42
Year 7 has kicked off with a regime of nightly homework - we have worked out a schedule for all the family to follow that lets Bella sit down to do her homework undisturbed. It seems to be working nicely so far.

Day 43
After not eating since Saturday, becoming weak and listless, going to the vets on monday, getting antibiotics pills and having her temperature taken in a very unpleasent way, biting Mum (making her get an infected finger and a tetanus shot) when she tried to admisiter the aforementioned life saving pills, and being kept inside like a damn house cat Chelsea has had a bad week. Luckily the antibiotics seem to be working and she ate a little bit for the first time since Saturday! Phew!

Day 44
A little rain fell today and dappled the leaves of my verandah ficus, I loved the look of the drops beading and then falling. It took quiet a few shots to get this picture LOL

Day 45

All is forgiven now that Chelsea is feeling better, and she loves me again although she is still having to take her pills each day.

Day 46
How I love this little contraption! It is the easiest way to get a pill down the back of my uncooperative cat's throat! It saved me having any more infected fingers from being bitten that's for sure, once was enough for me this week!

And now for some scrapping LOL

I actually managed to do some pages this week in amongst it all, some ADSR and some CT pages.

On the CT front this week I had a wonderful time using DebF's gorgeous Happyness kit - you will be amazed at how versatile it is and the colours are just fabulous! Have a look at it - isn't it fun???

And here are my pages using Happyness - I couldn't stop at just one!

Credits here

I actually made this page for this fortnight's great Pickle Jar Challenge - Kaye out did herself again!

Some kind of Wonderful
Credits here

And now for the ADSR pages LOL - yes it is nearly all over *sob* I can't believe that 6 weeks have just flown by. Luckily NDISB have set an extra Challenge #13 and Deb and I are there! Can't wait to give that one a go. Anyway enough yapping here are my pages up to Challenge #12.

Challenge 10
Credits here

I had fun interviewing my partner Deb, she didn't have fun answering "those darn questions" LOL, I had fun scrapping the page, she didn't have fun having her photo on here three times ROFL! Another great Challenge! And Deb I think you look lovely sweetie!

Challenge 11
Credits here

This challenge was to scrap a question - you don't have to answer it, it's just a question that you have always wondered about so here is mine..... For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated by the idea that there might be life on Mars. I have been reading about NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit’s landing on Mars since it landed inside Gusev Crater back in January 2004. This photo is the panorama shot of the landing site. How cool it that!

Challenge 12
Credits here

This challenge was a fun one, we got to scrap together which is always a wonderful thing. I love scrapping with my buddy Deb! We had to explain why we scrapbook LOL and here is my page :) . If you want to read the journaling go here. It's always a great time scrapping with you Deb!

And now ........ yawn ...... I'm tired, so i might go to bed. I really do need to do just an ordinary post about nothing much but the Project 365 and the ADSR is taking over my life at the moment so my posts are a bit boring sorry :). Maybe next time LOL ..... yawn....... Night!


Carol said…
Did I just leave a comment, it disappeared? Heck! I was just saying that every page I looked at was better than the last. What a great post this is. I just looked at that last "we are the storytellers" in a new window so I could read the journalling.

Malacima said…
amazing pages esp.'Some kind of Wonderful'.Look so brigt and fun!
Thank you for post on my blog!!!
wowsers! great fotos gf (am especially luv'n the drops of rain on the ficus)

and heyyyyyy I so need one of those pill dispenser thingys (now I know why both of my feline friends run when Barb walks in the door, cuz I hafta hold'em while she shoves meds down their throats)

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