Sorry about that - life got in the way!

OK I have been absent from my blog for a little while but I have been busy, busy, busy! I'm really wondering people, how did I do it all when I worked? I just don't know LOL!

Well since I last blogged the silly season has taken off in full swing. I honestly don't know where to start in listing what we have been up to but it includes things like, birthday parties, Christmas Litergies, Guide Camps, Christmas Concerts,Carol Singing, Christmas Card photo shoots, Christmas shopping, birthday present shopping for Tasha and hubby (who is very hard to buy for can I just tell you!), break-up parties at school and for hubby's work, CT LO's AND trying to find time to actually speak to my friends and family before December 25th! I still have a list of outstanding things to do and a couple of presents left to but after tomorrow (Bella's class break-up in the morning, a pool party at her friends place in the arvo and then an Irish Dancing concert for my Goddaughter in the evening) and most of the craziness will be OVER!! Horray!

BTW Tasha was an Angel for the Prep Christmas Litergy and I have to share with you how totally cute she looked, Mum made the costume for her (thanks so much Mum!).....

OK, on the CT front I have finished another couple of LOs using Natalie's gorgeous products. Details of which products I used and where they can be purchased can be found in the credits links - thanks for looking!
Don't forget to check Natalie's blog for a list of her great new products including
- Spring is in Bloom and
Twist It Ribbons and
Hardware Pack. Ohh do you like the new packaging? It looks really classy don't you think?

Here are my recent LO's -

Using Natalie's Dude! kit - Credits here

Feeding the Red Deer
Credits here

Little Miss Attitude
Using Natalie's Cool Attitude kit - Credits here

Tasha and Tiger
Using Natalie's awesome Hardware kit - Credits here

I had best get my act together and do some more LO's with those new goodies of Nat's before she fires me from the CT LOL. Seriously, Natalie is a designing machine and is just in a designing frenzy at teh moment - it's hard to keep up ahahahahhaha! I'll manage though because I love it all so much!

Well that is all from me today, I have to go and pick up my big girlie from school soon (Tasha finished Prep yesterday so she's at home - crazy tired after a birthday party this morning LOL), so I'll say good-bye for now!


Christeph said…
Just popping in to say 'Hi' Amanda! Been reading your last few posts to catch up and now I'm feeling exhausted, whew! How do you fit it all in? Loved your SUAS entries, particularly Tranquil and Love - they were really beautiful!
Congrats on the CT position, actually not familiar with Natalie's designs, but love the layouts you've made with them, especially Tasha & Tiger! Guess I'll have to go explore her stuff...just need to find some time!!!! Hugs pinkie!
Chris said…
Oh isn't it just soooo busy at the moment Amanda and I have 3 lots of schools I am dealing with. Orientations, awards nights, concerts, end of year break ups and all that. What a beautiful photo of Tasha as well all dressed up in her angel constume.
LO's are looking great and boy is Nat ever on a designer If I don't get over here between now and Christmas I wish you and your family a truly wonderful Christmas and that 2008 brings you peace, happiness, joy and many blessings Annette.
Heather said…
Ack, that Yahoo! thing nearly made me jump out of my seat.

I know what you mean about this time of year, some days I feel as if I'm drowning!
Carol said…
Fantastic layouts! Your shadowing is so darn cool, it lifts the elements right off the page so that I can almost touch them. Amanda you rock girlfriend!!!

As for the Christmas frenzy, I totally relate. I'm exhausted. And my husband has the nerve to have a birthday right smack in the middle of it all!! hahahahaha

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