
Showing posts from December, 2007

Blog Encyclopaedia Challenge & Merry Christmas!

The wonderful Jo over at PBP issued a challenge to compile a blog encyclopaedia about yourself, she said "It's not going to be a weekly, monthly, daily thing. You update as you want. If you do A-Z all in one week then so be it. Otherwise just take your time and work through the alphabet, no set number of topics per letter or anything." Well I was always one to love a bit of a challenge. BUT I can't promise that I will faithfully post every week (I'll try Jo I promise!) but I'm going to give it a damn good try. So here we go - my first post in my Blog Encyclopaedia! Credits - "A" from Pauline Rossi & Aries charm by Lemonaid Lucy I also wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas - we are leaaving tomorrow to go to Hervey Bay and we won't be back unitl after Boxing Day so I wanted to send you all a big Christmas Hug! Everything in the Card from the Christmas Magic kit by Paint the Moon and Holliewood Studios So to all of you, my friends and...


I have been taking advantage of the peace and quiet around here and I have done a little bit of scrapping LOL. The kids are nice and rested now and are at the stage where they will need entertaining soon so I won't have as much time to laze around creating LOs! So anyway I'm enjoying it while I can - which is good because Natalie has been putting out a few awesome little goodies for me to play with. And here is the LO I did with it for my Dad (told you didn't I Dad LOL!) Another new goodie is the Live your Life mini - And this is my darling Bella having a good laugh on the Chair Ride at the Brisbane Ekka this year! Credits for both LO are everything by NATALIE BIRD (except the Sanded Edge Action by Atomic Cupcake) Well anyway I have to go - I'm visiting my friend Kelly and her lovely new little baby boy (mmmm I love babies - oh and Kelly LOL) and I have a few things to do before I leave. So hugs to you all and I'll chat soon! Ta ta.

Back again so soon? LOL!

Peace has finally decended on our house! Ahhhhhh the kids are on holidays at last and we have had a pretty restful week. The kids are now officially DVDed out after a couple of marathon sessions of the latest new releases, and I never want to see the inside of a DVD shop again - hah hah well at least until they want to go back! I have done MOST of the Christmas shopping, all the Christmas cards are done and ready for posting, and those of you who receive pressies from me, rest assured they will be in the mail tomorrow LOL. So I am feeling relatively before-hand with the world at the moment, but that wont last. We may, or may not, be in Brissy for Christmas, we MAY be heading up to Hervey Bay for the Christmas period, it all depends on my FIL's health. There is some talk amongst the doctors here that he may be sent back for Christmas but they haven't made any final decisions as yet but hey! there is PLENTY of time! It will be wonderful for him to be back in Hervey bay for Christ...

Ahhhh - the worst is over!

Well after a mind-blowingly busy week, it is all over! The kids are now officially on seven weeks holiday and all the break-ups and parties are done! We are going to relax and have a quiet week, catching up on some quiet time, watching DVDs and trying for some afternoon naps LOL. Well we will relax until the play-dates and friends-over things start LOL! Do you know the best bit about Summer holidays (sarcasm alert!!!) - the kids get off school just in time for the temperature to climb to an average of 31 degrees C (if we are lucky or it might average at 35!), and the humidity leaps to about 95% (LOL) making everyone hot and cranky! Did I mention that I hate Summer ? hate it, hate it, hate it! Oh well, I have an air-conditioned bedroom and so do the kids LOL. This weekend not only marked the end of the school year at our place, but it also marked a time of birthdays here too :). Hubby and Tasha share the same birthday, Tasha turned 6 and hubby turned a little bit older than that LOL! W...

Sorry about that - life got in the way!

OK I have been absent from my blog for a little while but I have been busy, busy, busy! I'm really wondering people, how did I do it all when I worked? I just don't know LOL! Well since I last blogged the silly season has taken off in full swing. I honestly don't know where to start in listing what we have been up to but it includes things like, birthday parties, Christmas Litergies, Guide Camps, Christmas Concerts,Carol Singing, Christmas Card photo shoots, Christmas shopping, birthday present shopping for Tasha and hubby (who is very hard to buy for can I just tell you!), break-up parties at school and for hubby's work, CT LO's AND trying to find time to actually speak to my friends and family before December 25th! I still have a list of outstanding things to do and a couple of presents left to but after tomorrow (Bella's class break-up in the morning, a pool party at her friends place in the arvo and then an Irish Dancing concert for my Goddaughter in the ev...