I've become a weekly blogger LOL

Well it looks like I have become a weekly blogger doesn't it :). It has been pretty quiet here and there hasn't been anything major to report, sorry. OK to sum up the week just gone - On the home front I spent another day with the Prep kids on Tuesday and I am beginning to think that the teacher has it in for me (ha ha ha). We did paper mache (sp?) ladybettles and the glue was EVERYWHERE! One sweet darling had it all over the front of her uniform and I have been hiding from her mother ever since LOL! Good thing it is only flour & water glue! Seriously though it really is a rewarding day! I get to spend time with my youngest DD and watch her interact with other children and I also get to see my eldest at lunch when she is swarmed by little Preppies wanting to hug her (now that is FUNNY!).

Other family news is that we had Mum & Joe over for dinner on Saturday night for her birthday (which is actually today) and I made a carrot cake from scratch. Doesn't sound a lot does it? Well let me tell you that I am normally a packet mix cake kind of girl and cakes made from scratch are not usually a feature of my household. So I was as pleased as punch that I managed to make something that was actually edible :).

Lastly, my poor FIL managed to get out of ICU for a night before being rushed back again the next day with fluid built up around his heart *sigh*. Poor guy, I bet he is totally sick of ICU by now. On the plus side, they managed to get it all sorted pretty quickly and they let him spend some time out on the veranda over the weekend so he could look out at the world he hasn't seen for over 2 months.

Now the scrapping front has been a bit quiet too (my MIL really does love to do housework with me!!!) but I managed to finish the SUAS contest. I posted Challenge #6 last night and although it isn't as dazzling as many in the gallery, I was really happy with the message. We were supposed to tell of what we were going to do to "change the world" & I spoke about my children's fear that the drought will go on and I talked about the things that we can do to help conserve and protect our environment. So that was six weeks of my scrapping life finished with and I hope that I won't slump back into mojo-less land :). I can't wait until we can reveal our LO's, I really think that a couple of my LO were the best I have done.

I did manage to get a LO done for the Pickleberrypop Meme Challenge for October and it was lots of fun.

Credits are here

Well time is getting on, so I had best go get my darlings out of bed and ready for school! Can you believe that it is raining? The kids will love having to use their umbrellas :). Ta ta for now.


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