
Showing posts from June, 2012

IQS 8 Week Plan - Week 3 Day 1

Well here I am ... Day 1 of Week 3 on Sarah's I Quit Sugar plan and I have to say, I'm feeling fine! I really am amazed that I haven't had to wrestle with the burning desire to attack people walking past me with chocolate bars. I honestly thought this would be harder but then again my hubby is doing it with me and he was a huge enabler when I tried changing my diet before. This time, with him with me we are a united front against the evil fructose (grin) and we have even convinced the smallest girl to start looking at the sugar on the labels of things - it was a source of great shock to her to see that her favourite juices had so much sugar in them! The big girl, ehhh not so much! In all honesty, I am probably not doing this whole plan right, but I have cut out all sweet treats, all soft drink and juice and all sugar in coffee.  I now check the labels on products that I want to buy and pick the options with the least amount of sugar (while keeping a wary e...

IQS Day 6 and some scrapping

Well its been a long week but thank heavens I think I have come out the other side of the Caffeine withdrawals! Yay me! I woke up this morning feeling good for the first time since Tuesday and I know its only going to get better! I have been drinking loads of water and green tea and I have said NO to additional sugar all week bar 3 cups of tea with half a teaspoon of sugar (I'm on my way to sugar free tea people - baby steps!). Perusing the labels of packaged foods this week has given me a fright as I start converting grams of sugar per serve into teaspoons of sugar in my head ... I am sure that people at the shopping centre have found my gasps of outrage as I inspect product labels highly amusing! I looked at Sarah's shopping list at the back of the IQS 8    week Plan   ebook and tried to see if I could buy some of the stuff at the local supermarket ..... I could get some of it and tried the coconut water ....OMG gag! An acquired taste I can tell! ...

IQS - 8 Week Plan - Day 2

Another blistering headache today - I woke up with it this morning and it continued to try to pound my brains into mush  throughout  the day but I did not touch that demon drink ... coffee! Oh no, this withdrawal headache will not beat me (even if it feels like it IS beating me!) and I am going to come out the other side better for it! Its made me mad now and that caffeine addiction is going DOWN! I haven't had any additional sugar today apart from a cup of tea and (gasp!) one level teaspoon of sugar and the Uncle Toby's Plus breakfast cereal that I am finishing off this week in preparation for next weeks sterner restrictions. No sweets, no snacks, no bickies! For me that is pretty darn outstanding. I haven't really felt like sweet things today but maybe that will change once I have gotten through this caffeine withdrawal..... only time will tell! Having an early night tonight in the hopes that waking up tomorrow will be less head-a...

IQS - 8 Weeks Plan - Day 1

Things I learned today ........... 1. I am addicted to coffee as well as sugar and 2. Withdrawals from coffee give you a BIG headache! Now you are probably wondering what coffee withdrawals has to do with Day 1 of my IQS 8 week Plan! Well I decided, in my infinite wisdom, that I couldn't handle coffee without sugar just yet so I would abstain from coffee entirely until I was a bit more used to this Sugar-free caper. All that did was make me realise HOW many cups of coffee a day I drink! Eeeek! I counted the number of times I DIDN'T have a coffee today and I had got to 6 cups by the time I left work today! 6!! I realised that the first thing I did in the morning was turn on the kettle for my first coffee of the day and it struck me that I was as bad as my husband when he smoked! It was a nasty moment for me and I was determined to stick it out headache or not!  Apart from the nasty coffee withdrawals I have been looking at...

I Quit Sugar - 8 week plan - the night before!

I guess its fate that I found my blog again the day before I bought Sarah Wilson's I Quit Sugar ebook as she recommends keeping a track of your progress in a daily journal or blog ... so I have decided to blog my Sugar Free journey so that my friends can help keep my feet on the ground and help me feel like this ......................   image via 'break out' Wish me luck :) 

Hey look what I found ......

 ..... my old blog! Good grief, I can't believe it has been so long since I posted here! I could hardly find my way to the blog editor because of all the dust bunny's chewing away at my ankles!  Soooooooooo how's things been for you? Same old, same old here at my place. Pages scrapped, books read, housework done - you know the usual! I thought I might give blogging another try as I have missed my blog and the blogging world. Facebook is all well and good (its great really!) but it isn't ALL mine like my blog is. So I'm going to give it another stab and see how things pan out. I might even get back on track again and start a P365 next year ... but baby steps first I think. You have to walk before you can run, right? I might just leave you with a page I posted around the digi-verse just the other day for Sandra at Studio 68 (who I CT for now because I begged her and she caved in and let me haha).  XOXO Credits Maybe I'll make this a Sunday night thin...